Thursday, February 22, 2018

We DO meet on Friday, February 23rd

Just in case there is some confusion, we DO meet on Friday, February 23rd.  I know there have been a lot of cancellations for various events and groups, but the weather is getting better and we will meet as usual.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Spring Recital

The Spring Recital will be held on Thursday, May 3rd, at 7pm - location is Christ Community Church - where our Christmas Recital was held.

The penny jars were taken to the bank and money was counted. The final count for both jars was $96.69. The jars are empty and back up to collect for second semester. 

Upcoming dates to remember:

We DO meet the week of Spring Break

March 30th- off for Good Friday

April 27th - last day of second semester

May 3rd - Spring Recital

Thanks everyone - we appreciate each of you and for your participation in Encore!