Friday, August 27, 2021

Enrollment Update

Enrollment update - see information below regarding the groups you are enrolled in. Please note that we are still taking enrollment, to fill these groups out more, if possible We need everyone that has enrolled, to attend, in order to have these groups.

Beginning band enrollment was small, but it will meet at 9am.

Intermediate band/strings will meet at 10am.

All of Mrs Bernet's groups WILL meet - both choirs and guitar classes. Mrs. Bernet will be in touch with guitar students, about how she is dividing the group and about the music book needed.

Bitty Beats and World Percussion will be online only - it has been successfully done that way in the past, and due to circumstances, both groups will remain online this semester. Emily will be in touch with everyone about the format used and can answer any questions you may have. Both of these groups are still taking enrollment.

When we planned for this school year, we did not anticipate needing to make so many changes, and to have the struggle with enrollment numbers. For those who are new to Encore, we had 12 groups that met on Friday's, and then Covid came along. We appreciate all of you and your interest in Encore, and for your patience as we navigate forward.

Want to enroll? See online enrollment form, two posts below.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Enrollment Deadline Set for August 25th

 Enrollment deadline set - August 25th will be the last day to enroll in Encore groups. The directors need to prepare for their groups, but also it gives us the information we need to decide if a group will meet or be cancelled.

Presently, the only group that has enough enrollment is Intermediate Band/Strings - if your student is enrolled in this group - all you need to know is whether that group will meet at 9am or 10am - that will be announced after any cancellations are made.

Bitty Beats and World Percussion may have the option to meet virtually, as they did last year. If you would like to enroll your student, to meet virtually, please contact me ASAP at

The online enrollment link is in the post below.