Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Happy New Year!
A special thank you to David Barfield for being the "sound guy" - we couldn't have managed without him.
All the groups will resume rehearsals on January 8th. That will be the beginning of second semester - I will collect fees during the month of January. Second semester fees are $90.00 per student, $70.00 for the second student in the same family/with the same director.
Thanks for all of your support. It would be impossible to run this group without your encouragement.
Have a safe, healthy, and blessed 2010!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
There will be no band, choir, or orchestra this Friday, November 27. Rehearsals will resume the following Friday, December 4th.
There are two rehearsals left before the end of the semester and the recital on December 13th.
For those interested in bringing cookies, brownies, etc., to your child's director, we will be doing that on our last rehearsal - December 11th. (I know that Mr. Gaskin and Mr. Swischer have quite a sweet tooth and chocolate is a favorite :o)
We will be losing one of our faithful and a long-time member of our group. Ben Munson, who plays tuba in intermediate band and flute in jazz band, will be moving to Kentucky in December. In fact he will move before our recital. Ben has been with the Encore group for six years and will be missed. Best wishes to Ben and his family!
Finally, birthday greetings to Mr. Swischer!!! His birthday is November 28th. Happy Birthday!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Christmas recital
This year we will hold our recital at the Community Bible Church - the location where we participate in TEACH Night, each spring. See church website for directions: http://community-bible.org/home/visit-us/
The program is scheduled for Sunday, December 13th, beginning at 3:00 pm. We will need the kids there 30 minutes earlier for tuning and warm-up.
Choir members should dress in their "Sunday best". Band and orchestra members should wear concert "black and white".
Band, orchestra, and choir will meet up through December 11th and then will take a break until January 8th - which will be the beginning of second semester.
Contact me with any questions.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Time to get started!
Beginning Band and Jr./Sr Choir - 9:00 am
Intermediate Band and Elementary Choir - 10:00 am
Advanced Ensemble and Orchestra - 11:00 am
Jazz Band - Noon
Each group meets for 50 minutes.
Please bring your instruments, band book, and music stand every week.
Fees should be made out to your child's director and given to Mrs. Bachert.
Semester fees are: $95.00
If you have more than one child in a group with the same director, the fee for the second child is $70.00.
Band and choir meet at the Morris Center - 146 Indian Ave. Orchestra meets at the home of the director.
Due to some behavioral issues last year, it has become necessary to implement a "code of conduct" for our members. We ask that each member and a parent sign the form that can be viewed, downloaded, and printed from a link, located on the right side of this site or click here to get directly to the document. If you have already signed and turned in the TEACH Conduct Form, it is not necessary to sign the Encore form.
We are all looking forward to another great year!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Time for band auditions
In order to know the level and ability of all the students, it is important that all members audition with Mr. Swischer. (new and returning beginning band members do not have to audition)
There are four levels of band: Beginning, Intermediate, Jazz, and Advanced Ensemble.
Beginning band is for those students that are just learning a new instrument, but it isn't just for the "very" beginner. Some students stay in the beginning level for two or more years. There are no auditions necessary for this level. Students range in age from nine years old - high school. Some students are in higher bands but want to start a new instrument and join the beginning band to play that instrument. Beginning band should be thought of as an "apprentice" band and being held back to play at this level is common.
Intermediate band (Concert Band) is our largest group and an audition is required to play at this level. All ages and grade levels are in this group.
Audition piece(s) for this band:
#1 - Regal March - found in Standard of Excellence - Book 1
#2 - A piece of your choosing that shows the level you are at
Jazz band - members are chosen by audition by Mr. Swischer. Email Mrs. Bachert if you are interested in auditioning for jazz band.
Advanced Ensemble is a select "chamber" group. This group is small and members are selected by the need of particular instruments to play chamber music. The student needs to have a superior audition and be studying with a private teacher. If you are interested in auditioning for this group, contact Mrs. Bachert for audition details.
If you are in any of these groups and WILL NOT be returning, please email Mrs. Bachert.
All groups are planning on beginning the rehearsal year on September 11th.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Why Participate in Fine Arts?
band director but is applicable to orchestra and choir as well.
So consider the title - "Why Participate in Fine Arts".
To Gain These Benefits:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
End of year and looking toward next year
Thanks to everyone who contributed towards the director's gift cards. We were able to give Mr. Swischer a $75.00 card, Mr. Gaskin - $80.00, and Mrs. Schellman - $50.00.
It isn't too late to fill out the form.If you are in ninth grade and up, and feel that you are eligible to "letter" in fine arts, contact me. The information and form can be downloaded from this site - see "Lettering Requirements".
We have some photos from TEACH Night but not of all the groups. If you have pictures of any of the groups on TEACH Night or during the choir recital, email them to me to possibly be posted on the blog.
We hope that everyone will return to participate in the Encore groups next year. If you know for certain that you will not be returning, please let me know.
Orchestra and band students - please practice your instrument over the summer. If you are interested in private lessons, check with Hume Music Store, or contact the following high school students that teach privately:
Luke Rhodes - piano lessons - saintoliver@gmail.com
Emily Bachert - clarinet/percussion - 1girlygirl@gmail.com
Many of our students have participated in music competitions over the past year. If you are interested in knowing more about these opportunities, please email me.
Have a wonderful summer!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Luke Rhodes competed on piano and entered a music composition. He received a "superior" rating on both his solo and composition.
Emily Bachert competed on clarinet and received a "superior" rating.
Thomas Bachert competed on trumpet and received an "excellent" rating.
Luke and Emily were chosen to perform their solos at a recital following the competition.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Choir recital/musical
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thirteen Encore members participated in the Blue Ridge Academic and Fine Arts Meet, held on April 17th. This festival has been a yearly event, sponsored by Blue Ridge Christian School for thirty years.
This year, 814 students from various Christian schools in Missouri and Kansas came together to compete in various music, art, drama, speech, and academic events. TEACH signed up as a school and sent 41 entries.
Three of the students received a total of five medals for having the highest rating in their division. Congratulations to Luke Rhodes (2 medals), Emily Bachert (2 medals), and Allyssa Mailen (1 medal).
Participants - Division - Results:
Trevor Groundwater and Elizabeth Masson - Duet Acting - Excellent Rating
Trevor Groundwater - Photography - (2 entries) Superior Rating (on both)
Michael Schreck - Math Competition - Algebra I - Superior Rating
Elizabeth Blumhagen - Photography - Excellent Rating
Luke Rhodes - Music Composition - Superior Rating/Medal winner
Piano Solo - Superior Rating/Medal winner
English Composition - Excellent
Blaire Landon - Photography - (2 entries) Superior Rating (on both)
Humorous Interp - Superior Rating
Original Oration - Superior Rating
Piano Solo - Superior Rating
Andrew Currier - Piano Solo - Superior Rating
Music Composition - Superior Rating
Emily Bachert - Clarinet Solo - Superior Rating/Medal winner
Marimba Solo - Superior Rating/Medal winner
Photography - (2 entries) Excellent Rating (on both)
Thomas Bachert - Trumpet Solo - Superior Rating
Photography - Excellent Rating
Matthew Gaskin - Vocal Solo - Superior Rating
Humorous Interp - Excellent Rating
Sarah Gaskin - Vocal Solo - Superior Rating
Original Oration - Superior Rating
Sarah and Matthew Gaskin - Duet Acting - Excellent Rating
Allyssa Mailen - Photography (2 entries) Superior Rating/Best of Show
2nd photo - Good Rating
Graphic Arts - Superior Rating
Rachel Knight - Piano Solo - Superior Rating
Photography - Excellent Rating
Waiting for scores to be posted.
Seth, Emily, Sarah, Luke, and Jared
Allyssa Mailen - Photography Entry
Best of Show
Jared, Seth, Emily, Rachel, and Luke
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Congratulations are in order
Luke Rhodes - Sophomore
Piano Solo - Superior + and Concerto Competition - Superior+
Music Composition - First place in Class IV Division
with the score of 100 on his composition Valse in F - minor, Dramatique, Op 1 for pianoforte.
Update - Luke's composition received first place in Regionals and is now moving on to Nationals.
Rachel Knight - Senior
Piano Solo - Excellent
Emily Bachert - Junior
Marimba Solo - Superior
Clarinet Solo - Superior
Thomas Bachert - 8th grade
Trumpet Solo - Satisfactory
Andrew Currier - 8th grade
Music Composition - score of 97 on his composition
Music Theory - Superior
Piano Solo - Excellent
Fiddling Solo - Excellent
Blythe Landon - 3rd grade
Violin Solo - Superior
Saturday, February 14, 2009
UMKC Spring Festival - Competition Opportunity
This will be held on the UMKC campus in Kansas City - Saturday - April 25th.
Check out the site for more information:
Several Encore members are planning to compete. If you have questions regarding this competition, email me.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Academic and Fine Arts Competition
I just received information about a great opportunity for our kids to compete in fine arts and academics. This competition is being held by Blue Ridge Christian School in Kansas City, MO.
The competition is April 17th and the deadline to register is March 13th. However, I have to send all the information and fees in at once, so in order to meet that deadline, I will need forms and fees by March 6th.
If your student is interested in competing in music, math, drama, writing, art, science, speech, or photography and is grades 7 - 12th, contact me for more information. The large group fee has been paid by TEACH, so that makes the individual fees only $7.00 per entry. Participating families must be members of TEACH to register. If you need that form, let me know.
There are specific rules for each division. I would be happy to visit with you individually about the areas that are open to our students.
UPDATE - March 14, 2009 -
The deadline has passed to sign up for this competition. There was a lot of interest and many signed up. Check back for more details after the festival.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Fine Arts Lettering Opportunity
who are in 9th - 12th grade:
We offer an opportunity to letter in fine arts
by meeting certain requirements.
Encore Fine Arts Letter Requirements
9th – 12th grade students accumulating a total of 100 points or more,
over the course of two semesters,
will be eligible for a varsity fine arts letter.
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Student must be a member of one or more of the Encore groups for the entire year.
Attendance – no more than one absence per semester – 10 pts/sem
Weekly private lessons on your major band, orchestra instrument, or voice – 25 pts/sem
Weekly private lessons on a secondary instrument or voice – 15 pts/sem
Participation in more than one Encore group – 10 pts/sem
Participation in solo festivals or competitions – 20 pts per event/sem
Rating of I or II in competitions – 10 points per rating/sem
Recital participation – 20 pts/sem
Ongoing participation in other groups outside of Encore (church, youth symphony) – 20 pts/sem
Solo performances outside of Encore (recital, church) – 5 pts per performance/sem
Points limited to 15 per semester
Aiding other Encore groups with ongoing participation – 20 pts/sem
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Please email me for the form needed to keep track of the points at:
It is the responsibility of the student to record points by date and event and have a parent sign off on final point calculation. The point sheet should be turned in to Mrs. Bachert by May 1. The cost of the letter and any postage, handling, admin fees will be due at that time as well.
The award is a chenille music note. Each individual student can choose pins to go on the chenille to represent areas of music that each student has participated in.
The final costs will be determined by the number ordered so that amount may not be available until early spring.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas Recital 2008
Unfortunately, the elementary choir is not pictured here due to technical issues.

Friday, January 2, 2009
Second Semester Information
Second semester fees are due in January. The fee is $90.00 per student.
If there is a reduced fee for families with more than one student,
in a group with the same director. ($70.00 for second, third, etc.)
Checks are made out to the individual directors:
Band - Tony Swischer
Orchestra - Gaia Schellman
Choir - John Gaskin
Contact Martha Bachert with questions: