Hello All Encore Members,
The Blue Ridge Competition is over and it is time to concentrate on the upcoming TEACH Night performance. Please do you best to attend the last three rehearsals, as Mr. Swisher says there is still a lot of work to be done to present a good performance that evening.
Thanks to all the families that helped and/or supported me through the Blue Ridge Festival. It was a success, but without the help of Lana Groundwater, delivering and setting up displays, it would have been much harder for me. So if Lana took one of your entries, please be sure to thank her for her help :o)
Once I have all the results of possible division winners for the festival, I will post the results. I didn't get a chance to write down all the awards that were given that day. If you would like your entry listed with the award you were given, please email me so I can post those.
The Encore Trio (aka "Advanced Ensemble) played a piece at Blue Ridge and played it very well, despite not being allowed to warm-up before performing in front of the judges. They received an "Excellent" award for their performance. More on the other entries in a future post.
See you all on Friday - time to get busy!