Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Christmas Recital

Hello Encore Families,

We have a date and location set for the Christmas Recital.  It will be held on Friday, December 5th.  The location is Community Bible Church - 906 N. 1464 Rd. Lawrence, KS  This is the same location that we had one of our rehearsals this semester.

The program will begin at 10:00am.  We need the kids to arrive in plenty of time to warm up and tune, so plan to arrive at the church at 9:00.

We only have three more rehearsals until the end of the semester.  We do not meet the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the recital is the week after that, so much to do in three weeks.  Please try attend the the remaining rehearsals and practice your parts between rehearsals.
The last rehearsal will be November 21st. We will not meet on November 28th.  The recital is December 5th.

Second semester begins January 9th.

