Hello Encore Families,
Thank you all for your patience and understanding about the recital cancellation. In the 13 years of this group, we have not had to cancel a program. The directors were disappointed, but it couldn't be helped.
Those in choir and guitar: the program at Pioneer Ridge has been rescheduled for January 15th, at 10am. That will give the groups a chance to have one rehearsal before performing at Pioneer Ridge - we start back on January 8th.
Update on Mr. Gaskin: He was released from the hospital last Friday. He is doing therapy and should recover nicely in about 6 weeks. The van he was driving was totaled. I spoke with him this morning and he is getting stronger each day.
Always check the Encore blog for last minute changes: encorehomeschoolfinearts.blogspot.com
Thinking ahead:
Second semester rehearsals begin on January 8th.
For those interested in competitions, please see me about the two upcoming events in the spring. There is a sign-up deadline. One competition involves academics, as well as arts, speech, music, and more.
There will be a preschool - kindergarten music class offered second semester. The fee will be $50.00 for the semester and will be a wonderful "first group" music experience for this age group. I will be sending out more information in the coming weeks. Class size will be limited. Please contact me with questions or to sign up.
Percussion Ensemble: In addition to buckets, snares and "possibly" xylophones will be added to the mix. It is NOT required to own a snare or xylo to remain in the group.
Choir is able to accept new students for second semester.
As I count my personal blessings this holiday season, I count all of you as well. I am incredibly blessed to have such supportive parents and great kids as part of Encore.
Happy Thanksgiving!